Wednesday 19 September 2012

Suarez and Evra Set for Premiership High Five

Following publication of official guidelines for appropriate inter-cultural greetings it is hoped that Sundays Premiership clash between Liverpool and Manchester United will see Patrick Evra and Louis Suarez High Five.

Evra Loves a High Five

A recent inquiry commissioned by the Football Association found that 60% of reported racial abuse incidents could be attributed to ‘cultural misunderstandings’, whilst surprisingly only 40% were down to John Terry.

In response to the findings the Football Association has developed 286 categories of ‘culturally appropriate greetings’ which are hoped will enable overseas players to greet each other as inoffensively as possible.

Trying to explain the new guidelines an unnamed Football Association gimpnut told World of Sports: “South American plus French African equals race appropriate high five.” He added: “That should kick racism out of football.”

South American shitstorm Suarez told World of Sports: I have no problem high fiving Patrick, but if he follows it with a ‘down low’ to make me look the prick I’m bringing his mom into it.”

The 4000 page ‘Whasup Mah Homies: 286 ways to greet the foreigner’ has been distributed to all Premiership clubs. If successful the FA also plans to publish online standards of conduct for players in the easy to use ‘Twitter for Remtards’.

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