Sunday 9 September 2012

Athletics Chiefs Launch Inquiry into Paralympics ‘Blind Javelin’ Casualties

As the London 2012 Paralympics draw to a close games organisers have ordered an urgent investigation into how three spectators were injured and a mascot killed in two separate incidents during Saturdays F11 Javelin competition for athletes with severe visual impairments.

'Manhandle' and 'Headlock' shortly before the tragic accident

Athletics chiefs will have to answer questions about what the frig they were thinking after including ‘blind javelin’ in the athletics programme for the first time since the 2000 Paralympics in Sydney. On that occasion British middle distance star turned commentator Steve Cram narrowly escaped serious injury when a wayward javelin luckily deflected off his distinctive pube afro.

Official Paralympics buffoon and London Mayor Boris Johnson joined the debate by claiming that the decision to include F11 Javelin in the games was ‘short sighted’ and ‘lacked any vision’. He added: “It definitely requires looking into.”

However both athletes involved in the incidents remain unrepentant. Gambo Jumbambo of Ireland told World of Sports: “Surely I was the only person in the stadium not watching where that javelin was going.” He continued: “I mean if I thought that blind people were throwing javelins about anywhere near me I’d keep an eye on where they were going, if I could that is.”

Whilst Cameroonian thrower Jim O’Mulley believed that the injured spectators had only got themselves to blame. He said: “Apparently I hang around a lot of athletics stadiums and I’ve never been hit by a javelin and I’m blind, although I did once fall in the steeplechase water jump.”

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