Monday 30 July 2012

Daley Blames Twitter for Medal Failure

24 hours after twitter was identified as the source of technical problems during Sunday’s Men’s road race, Tom Daley has sensationally blamed the social messaging service for his and bullet bonsed diving partner Pete Waterfields failure to secure a medal in today’s 10m synchronised falling finals.

Daley and Waterfield: Upset, Angry, Bald

Officials’ were tonight investigating claims by Daley that Chinese divers Yuan Cao and Yanquan Zhang were tweeting “a series of off putting comments” about the hotly tipped diving odd couple during the competition.
Team GB brought attention to tweets believed to be written by the Chinese diving duo under the name @webest2diversinworld.
One tweet read “Daley you dive like girl... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRHHH SPLOSH LOL!” Whilst another claimed: “Daley U trunx 2 tight. U got BONER!!!”
When it became clear that the Chinese divers had upset Daley they turned their attention on team mate Pete Waterfield tweeting: “HA HA… U MAKE BIG SPLASH SLAPHEAD”. In response, shiny headed short house Waterfield told World of Sports: “I wouldn’t mind but even Tom re-tweeted that one.”

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