Monday 23 July 2012

Olympic security increased following Tour De France podium invasion

Security for London 2012 Olympics is to be increase following a security breach during the official prize giving ceremony at the end on Sunday’s final stage of the Tour de France in Paris.

Striking terror in to sports fans across the world

Onlookers were left stunned when a middle aged woman, draped in a Union Jack was able to evade security officials to mount the podium. Standing only feet away from a bemused race winner Bradley Wiggins, the intruder began what was believed to be an overly hammy rendition of God Save the Queen. French cycling legend and race official Bernard Hinault was said to have been left even more furious than usual.

The identity of the uninvited songstress was later confirmed as Lesley Garret, 57 of Doncaster, England. Ms Garrett was later released after receiving a police caution.

In response to the incident security will be increased for all Olympic events where British competitors are expected to do reasonably well, maybe even medal. London 2012 bigwig Lord Coe said, “I can confirm that we will have snipers positions around the Olympic venues should Ms Garrett try to make a repeat performance, as this sh*t ain’t gonna happen in London. Not on my watch.”

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