Monday 1 October 2012

Ricky Hatton Announces Shock Competitive Eating Retirement

Big boned boxing balloon Ricky Hatton has shocked fat fans around the world by announcing that he is to retire from competitive eating after three highly successful seasons in order to return to a career in professional boxing.

Hatton spoiling for a bun fight

Officials at the British Competitive Eating Association (BCEA) have been left dismayed by the pie loving pugilists’ decision as it comes just days ahead of the London 2012 Obese Olympics where it was hoped heavyweight Hatton could bring home a gold medal in the All You Can Eat Chinese Buffet category.

But some in the sport believe Hatton is making a mistake by getting back into the ring. Barry McGuigan told World of Sports: “Ricky could be biting off more than he can chew; I just hope he doesn’t end up with egg on his face.”

When asked for his thoughts on Hatton’s proposed comeback a surprised Chris Eubank said: “The fat c*nts doing what?”

Despite previously holding world titles at two weights Hatton’s boxing career has been about as active as his thyroid gland in recent years, but this isn’t a decision that ‘The Hitman’ has taken lightly.

Hatton told World of Sports: “Most people are expecting me to get battered like chip shop cod, hmmm chip shop cod.” He added: “This fighter is a tough cookie, hmmm cookies. This fight isn’t going to be a picnic, hmmm picnic,” before he had to leave abruptly to take what he referred to as a “massive sh*t.”

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