Wednesday 1 August 2012

London 2012: BMX Queen Reade Confident She Can Deliver

Team GB's BMX bandit Shanaze Reade has admitted to feeling confident about her chances of gold as Olympic paper-boy racing gets underway this weekend.

Chunky thighed pedal pusher Reade, a three time World Champion at the popular 80’s cycling craze BMX hopes to make up for her 2008 Beijing disappointment by “Burning off” from her medal rivals.
Nut crushing powerhouse Shanaze told World of Sports: “Training for the Olympics has been tough. Some of my main competitors get to train on much bigger paper rounds than mine and with heavier bags. But I’ve also been delivering take-away menus in the evenings and it’s really made a big difference. If I can stay on I could win.”
Favourite for gold on Sunday is current world number one Magalie Pottier. The French wheelie popper is rumoured to have one of the largest paper rounds in Europe.

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