Thursday 9 August 2012

London 2012: Missing Australian Athletes Apprehended

Home office officials have confirmed that nearly all of the Australian Athletes reported missing from the 2012 Olympics have now been apprehended.

Crying into his overly fizzy pond water of a pint

Nearly 300 members of the Australian Olympic delegation were reported to have absconded shortly after the opening ceremony. They included a large number of cyclist, most of the track and field squad and the entire swimming team.
But a Metropolitan Police official today confirmed that nearly all of the missing athletes have now been apprehended. He said: "Most of the missing Australian athletes have been successfully detained, the majority within walking distance of the Olympic village, with many suffering from a nasty stitch." He added: “It was surprisingly easy to catch them as they seemed sluggish and in a very poor state of health.”
Bruce Ramsey, head of the Australian delegation told world of sports: “All of our competitors turned up to the opening ceremony as they really wanted to see Dizzy Rascal, but when the events started they’d all gone missing!”
It is believed that many of the athletes were inspired to abscond by fellow Australian Rolf Harris who has inexplicably maintained a successful career in Britain for over 40 years.
One wheezing Australian athlete told World of Sports that he was planning to seek asylum in Britain. He said: “I was just seeking a better life for me and my family.” He added: “Living in Australia is unbearable. There are spiders that can kill you, if you go swimming the sharks eat you, the television is rubbish, all our food is burnt to a crisp and the beer is too fizzy. It’s a living hell”
Meanwhile a search and rescue operation for four missing Australian rowers has been scaled down. The alarm was raised when they failed to return after starting a first round heat over a week ago.

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