Friday 3 August 2012

MurrayBot 3.0 to Face iFederer2000 in Olympic Final

Britain’s MurrayBot 3.0 tennis droid will meet Switzerland’s aging iFederer2000 in the Olympic men’s singles final on Sunday after a straight-sets semi final victory over human opponent Novak Djokovic.
Sinister Scottish Cyborg MurrayBot 3.0

Team GB boffins were left jumping for joy as MurrayBot 3.0 took a 7-5 7-5 win to set up an all robotic rematch with 2012 Wimbledon winner iFederer2000. It was a near flawless display from Britain’s bionic bat and ball gold medal hope despite inexplicably crushing a ball boys hand during the first set.

Djokovic made a strong start but was unable to compete with the superior fire power of the morose machine’s laser canon and 400kph serve.
Following extraordinary advancements in the humourless humanoid’s central processor, software engineers now believe that the MurrayBot 3.0 could even develop a personality if given enough time.
The controversial project has been plagued by numerous technical issues from the beginning. Recent versions have suffered repeated fourth set battery failures, whilst the first prototype MurrayBot, affectionately known as Jaime, proved only good enough for use in the doubles.

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